Associate Professor of the Literary Studies at the University of Warsaw, a specialist in German literature and a sworn translator of German. She is a Head of the Department of Culturology at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Studia Interkulturowe’ [Intercultural Studies]: Her publications mostly refer to the German literature and culture as well as their interrelations with politics in the 20th and the 21st century. She got her Ph.D. in 2007 on the basis of the doctoral thesis, published in 2008 by the Publishing House of the University of Warsaw under the title: Günter Grass i polityka [Günter Grass and the politics]. She habilitated in 2016 with a monograph: ‘Pedagodzy socjalizmu’ czy ‘wrogowie klasowi’? Pisarze z NRD wobec powstania czerwcowego 1953 oraz budowy i upadku muru berlińskiego 1961-1989, ATUT, Wrocław 2016 [German version: „Sozialismus-Pädagogen” oder „Klassenfeinde”? Das Verhältnis der Schriftsteller aus der DDR zum Juni-Aufstand 1953 sowie zum Mauerbau und Mauerfall 1961-1989, LIT Verlag, Berlin 2019]. Her latest monograph refers to the attitude of intellectual milieus from Central and Eastern Europe towards the crucial political events: Pisarze z NRD wobec przełomowych wydarzeń w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej [German version: Die DDR-Schriftsteller und die Protestbewegungen in Mittelosteuropa 1956, 1968, 1980/81, both published by Scholar in Warsaw in 2019]. She studied and completed research stays in Tübingen, Berlin and Munich. Her main research areas are: interrelations between literature and politics, the Post-GDR literature, European memory culture as well as Polish-German-Jewish literary and cultural relations. She is currently working on the project exploring the memorizing of the GDR [German Democratic Republic] on the basis of the selected German literary texts after the turnover of 1989.
She is a member of the German Studies Association (GSA), Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (International Association of German Studies) and Verband Polnischer Germanisten (Association of Polish Germanists).
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