Professor of Slavic Linguistics at Heidelberg University.


1966-1971 Studies of Slavic and General Linguistics at the Universities of Zagreb and Amsterdam

1979          PhD in Slavic Linguistics at Amsterdam University (with distinction); specialisation in empirical methods in linguistics, including input from Phonetics and Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam.


1971-1997 Assistant, Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Spring 1973 Professor replacement (Slavic and Eastern languages) at Boston College, Boston, PhD classes at Harvard University

1983-1984   A. von Humboldt scholar at the Dept. of Comparative and Indo-European Linguistics, Kiel, Germany, 7 months of fieldwork in Nepal

1997-2003 Professor for Slavic Linguistics at Mannheim University, Germany.

Since 2003   Professor for Slavic Linguistics, Heidelberg University, Germany, currently Senior Professor

Leading Functions

2000-2003 Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Mannheim University

Since 2005   Partnership Officer for the University Cooperation with Prague

2005-2017   Equal Opportunities Officer of Heidelberg University

2008-2011   Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages, Heidelberg University

Since 2017   Chair of the LERU Thematic Group on Gender and Diversity

Since 2020   Chair of the LERU policy group on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Since 2020   President elect of the International Society for Historical Linguistics (Presidency from 2021)

Expertise in Research Evaluation

1987-1997   Evaluator for the Dutch Research Council

2000-2004   Deputy Speaker of the DFG Research Cluster Language Variation as Communicative   

         Practice: Formal and Substantive Parameters (DFG FOR 380)

Presently      Evaluator for the A. von Humboldt Foundation, DFG, GA ČR (Czech Research Foundation),

Polish Research Foundation

2019/20       Guest editor for the Journal of Historical Linguistics 10-2.

Functions in Research Associations

1987-1989    Member of the Publication Committee of the Societas Linguistics Europaea

2015-2017 Member of the Executive Committee of the Slavic Linguistics Society

Since 2016    Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Society for Historical Linguistics

Publication activities (in addition to own publications, cf. below)

Since 2009 Editor of the publication series Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft, Universitätsverlag Winter (Heidelberg)

Since 2017   Member of the Editorial Board of Online Handbook of Linguistic Criticism – a European Perspective.


2010    Winner of the Prize for the Best Book in Slavic Linguistics, American Association  of Teachers of

Slavic and Eastern Languages (AATSEEL)

2018     Elected member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences.

Publications include three single-authored books, six edited books, and 101 published articles.

Gvozdanović, Jadranka

  1. 1997, 2nd edition (reprint) (ed.) 2010. Language Change and Functional Explanations. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  2. 1999, 2nd edition (reprint) (ed.) 2011, Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  3. Celtic and Slavic and the Great Migrations; Reconstructing linguistic history. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
  4. 2014 Understanding the essence of diglossia. In: Árokay, Judit – Jadranka Gvozdanović – Darja Miyajima (eds.) Divided Languages? Diglossia, Translation and the Rise of Modernity in Japan, China, and the Slavic World, 3-19. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
  5. On principles and methods of language-contact investigation. In: Ptashnyk, Stefaniya & R. Beckert, P. Wolf-Farré, M. Wolny (ed.) Gegenwärtige Sprachkontakte im Kontext der Migration, 41-60. Heidelberg: Winter.
  6. Aspects of Indo-European historical syntax in a typological perspective. Slovo a slovesnost 77, 4: 416-434.
  7. Changes of tense and modality in Late Mediaeval Slovene: Transference, extension or both? In: Igartua, Iván, Brian Joseph, Lars Heltoft, Kerstin Jeppesen Kagh & Lene Schøsler (eds.) Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change, 397-411. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  8. 2019b Early Indo-European dialects and innovations of aspect systems. In: Cennamo, Michela & Claudia Fabrizio (eds.) Historical Linguistics 2015, Selected papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, 27-31 July, 2015, 302-318. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  9. 2019 Standard Average European revisited in the light of Slavic evidence. In Andrii Danylenko, Motoki Nomachi (Eds.), Slavic on the Language Map of Europe: Historical and Areal-Typological Dimensions, 113–144. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
  10. Guest Editor, Journal of Historical Linguistics 10_2. Amsterdam: Benjamins.